75005 Paris
Session as part of the Festival des Cinémas Différents et Expérimentaux de Paris.
Atelier de l'Etna : CJC Remix
As every year, Etna proposes a Super 8 workshop during the festival. This time, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Collectif Jeune Cinéma, the workshop will be based on a selection of films from the CJC’s catalog, from different periods and approaches. After a random picking and watched online one of the ten selected short films, each participant will make an in-camera reel shot in black and white silent Super 8 to initiate a dialogue with the film: remake, reinterpretation, extension, sequel, counterpoint, refutation, anything goes!
Participants must bring their own working Super 8 camera. Re:Voir offers a black & white reversible reel to each participant. When loading the reels, we test your cameras. If needed, Etna can provide you with a backup camera. (Please note that the number of back-up cameras will be limited). The Super 8 reels are developed by hand by Etna members. Friday, October 1st - Etna’s laboratory (Montreuil): loading of the cameras with the participants. Friday, October 8 - deposit of the reels shot at Etna (Montreuil) / Monday, October 11 (La Clef Revival) - screening of the Super 8 films - Excerpts from the original films will be shown before their “remake” in S8 : with films by Carole Arcega, Isabelle Blanche, Anaïs Tohé Commaret, Marguerite Duras, Shiho Kano, Marie Losier, Cécile Ravel, Georges Rey, Erin Rybal, Jean Sousa.
Workshop dates
Friday, October 1st - Etna’s laboratory (Montreuil) : loading of the cameras with the participants
Friday October 8 - deposit of the reels shot at Etna (Montreuil)
Monday, October 11 (La Clef Revival) - screening of the films in Super 8 - Excerpts from the original films will be shown before their “remake” in S8 : with films by Carole Arcega, Isabelle Blanche, Anaïs Tohé Commaret, Marguerite Duras, Shiho Kano, Marie Losier, Cécile Ravel, Georges Rey, Erin Rybal, Jean Sousa. Pay-what-you-want entrance.
Films from which the workshop films will be inspired

Georges Rey

Carole Arcega

Jean Sousa

Isabelle Blanche

Erin Rybal

Anaïs Tohé Commaret

Marguerite Duras

Shiho Kano

Marie Losier

L’Etna est un atelier partagé, un laboratoire artisanal, un lieu de création, de transmission et d’échanges autour du cinéma expérimental et de la pratique de l’argentique, situé à Montreuil.
Re:Voir est une société d’édition qui fait connaître le cinéma expérimental en support vidéo, basée au 43, rue du Faubourg Saint-Martin à Paris. La structure vend par ailleurs de la pellicule S8 et 16 mm, ainsi que des caméras S8.