english version

Ewa Newá Wawu— un film de Jan Adamove /

Seize situations absurdes, chacune composée de trois plans. Ewa Newá Wawu (2016) aborde le thème de l’angoisse de la vie. Quelques mots clefs de lecture du film : Transitoire, Impuissance, Existentialisme et Surréalisme.

Sixteen absurd situations, each of them consists of three shots. Video Ewa Newá Wawu (2016) is based on an earlier version (Ewa wá wawu / 1998). In the new form are some of the sequences cut out. Because of this change the video became more consistent. The video points out the anxiety of life, keywords for reading Ewa newá wawu are also: Passing, Powerlessness, Existentialism, or Surrealism.

Format de projection
Fichier Quicktime
