english version

Exclusion Zone— un film de Alexander Isaenko /

Depuis quelques années, Sergey alimente sa chaîne youtube. Il y documente ses états d'âme avec une petite caméra, principalement lorsqu'il est dans sa maison de campagne. Sergey considère lui-même que sa personnalité est particulièrement développée, à la fois physiquement, spirituellement et intellectuellement. Parfois, après la tonte de sa pelouse, il se sent appartenir à la grande communauté scientifique.

Few years ago Sergey from Krasnodar created a YouTube channel. He documents his different moods with the small camera, shares his online notes, mainly when he is visiting his country cottage area. He likes to work on the land, that’s why he speaks about the country house as of his pleasure. Sergey considers himself a developed personality, both physically, spiritually and intellectually. His constantly naked body convinces us of first. He also finds the acting skills in himself, plays unfunny and vulgar sketches. He knows the tissue of the universe, he is fond of the string theories, and reflects on madness and genius subjects. Sometimes after mowing the grass he clearly sees that he belongs to the scientific community. Thèmes : found footage

Format de projection
Fichier Quicktime
Tarif de location pour une projection : 30 €

Exclusion Zone

Alexander Isaenko
Fichier Quicktime · 00:08:42
— 2015
