english version

Codework— un film de Abhishek Hazra /

Codework examine un simple morceau de PHP (un langage de scripte largement utilisé sur internet) qui permet l’envoie de liste de diffusion par exemple. A travers l’insertion de petites narrations, des scénarios spéculatifs se forment comme autant d’annotations au langage informatique.

Codework examines a very simple piece of PHP (a scripting language widely deployed on the internet) code that enables a user to subscribe or unsubscribe to an internet mailing list.
Through two small narratives, I formulate speculative scenarios to attempt an expanded annotation of this computer code. In looking at code tangentially, and in attempting to refigure it through narratives and images that allegorically amplify the very structure of its formal logic, the work seeks to find fresh ways of engaging with the technologies that undergrid our contemporary world. Thèmes : Computer-generated

Format de projection


Abhishek Hazra
· 06:22
— 2011
